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75th Anniversary of V.E. Dayotos.
There is a mix of housing in Bower Ashton. A 1950's development closest to Bristol makes up just over ½ of the houses. The remainder is quite a mix with the oldest houses dating back to the 1600's. In places Bower Ashton has a distinctly village look.
There is a quite a mixture of other places in Bower Ashton too. Bower Ashton ranges from the lower slopes of Ashton Court Estate, down to the old tow path of the River Avon now a foot & cycle path that leads to the Avon Gorge.
Not forgetting Bedminster Cricket Club pavilion and playing ground, several educational facilities, lots of allotments, the Woodyard in the old Park Farm buildings and ...
I could go on, but if you want to find out more have a look around the website. If you want to get in touch see the contact page link at the bottom of the page.